Preserving the Neskowin Watershed
Facilitation: Neskowin water district acquires first portion of watershed
In 2023, the Neskowin Regional Water District completed the first phase in a long-term vision of acquiring the part of the Hawk Creek Watershed surrounding the community’s drinking water source. The district, with facilitation support from North Coast Land Conservancy, purchased approximately 80 acres of forested property from private landowners, Mike and Lana Kowalski. The land sits above the intake for the district’s Frank E Clanton Municipal Water Plant at the confluence of Hawk Creek and an unnamed tributary.
NCLC became involved in the project about two years ago, although the organization has been active in conservation in the Neskowin area for about 10 years. In a facilitation capacity, NCLC is providing a variety of administrative services, from connecting the district with an appraiser and exploring funding options to title work and writing up the deed. This acquisition is part of a broader vision: protecting the whole watershed, which spans about 1,200 acres and is divided among several private landowners. Read More