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Annual Report 2023


Volunteers Work Diligently to Support Coastal Lands and Waters in Various Ways

Volunteers continue to be the lifeblood of NCLC, as the organization strives to care for several dozen conserved properties along the Oregon Coast. They show up to stewardship work parties throughout the year, as well as weekly Weed Warrior Wednesdays from spring to fall. These volunteer outings take place across our habitat reserves on the Oregon Coast.

Additionally, you’ll also find our volunteers doing tasks around the office, stuffing envelopes for mailings, serving on committees, and taking on numerous other roles that keep NCLC moving forward. In 2023, our volunteer base also included several individuals who assisted with sea star surveys and served as Tidepool Ambassadors at the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. Learn about volunteering for NCLC.

Marie Ackerman

Jim Aalberg

Betsy Ayres

Natalie Balkam

Emily Barber

Ann Barnes

Mel Bashore

Will Bashore

Kari, Rob & Beardsley Family

James Beaton

Jackie Beerger

Chris Bell

Angela Benton

Jim Benton

Landon Beugli

Linda Bjornstad

Rob Bjornstad

Marilynn Blacketer

Mary Blake

KT Blue

Ryan Blum

Cilla Border

Jim Border

Scott Borg

Layton Borkan

Jennifer Braun

Nick Bromen

Kevin Brownlee

Michael Bunch

Kathleen Callan

Kevin Campion

Amy Carleton

Jim Carlson

Lisa Cerveny

Jennifer Childress

Asa Clibourne

Sarah Clibourne

Aza Cody

Sue Cody

Cheryl Conway

Steve Cummins

Randy Curs

Cyndi Curtis

Iris Sullivan Daire

Emily Dana

Hadassah Davis

Sam Derrenbacher

Charles Dice

Iris Douglas

John Dudley

Catherine Dunn

Pat Dunn

Jacob Edwards

David Ellenberg

Lisa Ellenberg

Kelli Ennis

Lynn Epstein

Frank Erickson

Cole Evans

Kayla Fermin

Emerson Fisher

Linda Fisher

Joelle Flegal

Elizabeth Friedman

Allan Fritz

Diane Frye-Rohde

Terry Fullan

Nadia Gardner

Kestrel Gates

Martha Goetsch

Briana Goodwin

Margo Graue

David Graves

Chip Greening

Ellen Hall-Chave

Eric Halperin

Susan Hayden

Lisa Heigh

Bonnie Henderson

Jeanne Henderson

Randall Henderson

Britta Herwig

Craig Himmelwright

Nancy Holmes

Kirsten Horning

Tom Horning

Joyce Hunt

Ann Huntington

Vince Huntington

Ken Hurst

Bill Hutmacher

Ruth Hutmacher

Yvana Lovino

Pat Johns

Cheryl Johnson

Julianne Johnson

Jesse Jones

Larry Jordan

Paul Kawasaki

Marianne Keddington-Lang

David Kenney

Kit Ketcham

Amanda Kiely

Debbie Kiely

Roger Kitson

Graham Klag

Sharon Kloepfer

Nancy Kroll

Margo Lalich

Robin Lane

Dick Ledgerwood

Rick Ledgerwood

Ken Lehman

Pat Lehman

Tammi Lesh

Whitman Lindner

Ron Logan

Jon Long

Erica Long-Bobian

Abby Lord

Patti MacGregor

Neal Maine

Penny Martin

Vaughn Martin

Preston Mauch

Laura Maurer

Katie McClure

Marty McCullough

Mary Kyle McCurdy

Jaden McGinty

Deb Mersereau

John Mersereau

Ted Messing

Bebe Michel

Bruce Moffatt

Mickey Moritz

Michael Mottmann

Copelan Mullery

Sara Mullery

Eszter Munes

Mary Neerhout

Les Neitzel

Liz Newhouse

Roger Oakes

Thomas O’Brien

Lori O’Neil

Lorraine Ortiz

Peter Owen

Tom Owen

Mike Patterson

Vianne Patterson

Jay Paulsen

Penny Paulsen

Lisa Phipps

Mitra Rado

Austin Raglione

Gabby Raglione

Doug Ray

Bill Reed

Kayla Reich

Scott Rekate

Kat Ricker

Carol Riley

John Rippey

William Ritchie

Jeff Roehm

Jerry Rohde

Lynne Ryan

John Samp

Judy Schector

Tessa Scheller

Michelle Schwegmann

Tad Seder

Lisa Schomaker

Michael Shields

Dominic Smith

Eric Smith

Daryl Snyder

Joe Sprecher

Hope Stanton

Jason Stegner

Lavender Swain

Ben Thompson

James Thompson

Austin Tomlinson

Marie Tripp

Jon Tullis

Lucas Turpin

Cassie Turner

Nathan Turner

Dick Vander Schaaf

Lora Van Nortwick

Sara Vickerman-Gage

Steve Warner

Nancy Weil

Julia Weinberg

Pat Welle

Krickett Wertz

Angie Williamson

Lily Wincele

Michael Wing

Rachel Winslow

Scott Wintermute

Beth Wise

Pat Wollner

Charlie Zennache

Dave Zunkel